Artist Point Winter Day

A Sunny Tuesday in February
Skinning up the freshly groomed Blueberry cat track (the road to Artist Point in summer). Blueberry backcountry gate. I have my beacon and shovel, but I will stay away from high aspects, being solo. Across the Nooksack drainage, looking at some of my favorite hiking areas. This is right at the Canadian / US border. Crossed the Artist Point parking lot. I was last up here on a roadbike in August. My skin track (I circled around to get these images). A very snowy Mount Baker under a very blue sky.
Standing at the edge of the summer parking lot. So quiet, I could hear a few backcountry skiers at least a quarter mile away. Close-up of the 10,778-ft summit. Coleman Pinnacle is in the lower foreground. Looking back across the lot, the pit toilets are somewhere below this drift. A volcano between two trees. Heading over towards Artist Point proper, these drifts made an intersting foreground.
Looking back north where I parked... somewhere down there. A cornice that had a bit of a glow from some other reflected snow. Mt. Shuksan beyond. Drifts I took a longer break here with a great view of both nearby massifs. Table Mountain. That bowl is like a solar oven on days like this -- best to cross early in the day. A B&W treatment of Shuksan.
A sub-alpine fir gives my eyes a break from all the white and blue. Upper portion of Mt. Shuksan. A quick panaorama... One last look before putting the skis back on and heading back down.